Dental Crowns – Lake Nona, FL

Restore Your Damaged Teeth with Dental Crowns

Life is unpredictable, and it’s not uncommon for your teeth to occasionally sustain an unexpected injury or unforeseen complication. But fortunately, dental crowns in Lake Nona are often one of the best possible solutions for assisting damaged teeth. Whether you need one for restorative or cosmetic purposes, a crown is capable of revitalizing your smile—which will send your confidence soaring! Keep reading below to learn a little more about dental crowns and how they assist your smile, or feel free to give us a call to schedule a visit.

Why Choose Lake Nona Dental Group for Dental Crowns?

  • Durable & Natural-Looking Solutions
  • CEREC One-Visit Crowns Available
  • Friendly & Knowledgeable Dental Team

What Is a Dental Crown?

a closeup of patient receiving a dental crown in Lake Nona, FL

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that’s intended to fit over the biting surface of a damaged or otherwise compromised tooth. It can be made from a variety of different materials, with porcelain and zirconia being two common options. Crowns are incredibly versatile and have several applications, and are often utilized in the following situations:

  • A tooth is broken and needs extra support to stay in one piece.
  • A tooth is severely decayed, and the filling requires additional support.
  • Root canal therapy has been performed on the tooth.
  • A tooth is severely misshapen or discolored.
  • A dental bridge needs to be secured to abutment teeth.

The Dental Crown Process

an illustration of the dental crown process in Lake Nona, FL

When you visit us for a consultation, we’ll first examine your mouth to determine if a crown can be used to assist you; if so, we’ll begin walking you through the process before moving forward with your decision. To prepare your tooth for the crown, we’ll need to remove a thin layer of enamel to allow it to lay flush with your surrounding teeth once it’s secured. We’ll also take a digital impression of your teeth that will allow us to create your dental restoration quickly, precisely, and conveniently in-office. Once it’s been placed, we’ll provide you with instructions for how to properly care for your new crown so that it lasts for several years.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

a patient visiting her dentist in Lake Nona, FL

Dental crowns are actually one of the most common treatments that we conduct here at Lake Nona Dental Group! Here are several of their priceless benefits:

  • They mitigate the risk of worsening oral health problems in the future.
  • They improve your oral functionality and allow you to chew more comfortably.
  • They prevent your natural teeth from needing to be extracted.
  • They’re completely customized for your smile, meaning they’ll look and feel natural.
  • Their lifespan can exceed 10 or 15 years with proper oral care and routine checkups.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Crowns

Your financial situation should never stand in the way of getting the high-quality dental crown you need. Many factors affect the cost of dental crowns, but Lake Nona Dental Group strives to keep them affordable for everyone. Your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan to preserve your tooth without breaking the bank. You won't have to compromise quality or aesthetics to stay within your budget.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Crowns

It's impossible to have a flat rate for dental crowns because many factors will affect your treatment plan. No two mouths are identical. Although every case differs, you can expect your estimate to include:

  • Consultation: You must have a consultation with a dentist to ensure a dental crown is right for you. They may perform diagnostic services to have a complete picture of your oral health. Imaging will also be used for treatment planning.
  • Prep Work: It's not unusual to require a little prep work, like a dental cleaning. Crowns can also be used along with other procedures, like root canal therapy.
  • Materials: You can save money with discounted materials, but they may not last as long as high-quality options. Will help you choose the best material for long-term results.

A member of our dental team will review your estimate and explain the fees, so you'll know exactly what you'll have to pay before committing to anything.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Crowns?

Most dental insurance will pay for some of the expenses for your consultation and diagnostic services. Depending on your situation, your insurance may pay 50% to 80% of the expenses for medically necessary procedures after meeting your annual deductible. We will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to help you maximize your yearly allowance to lower the amount you'll need to pay out-of-pocket.

Options for Making Dental Crowns Affordable

Besides using your dental insurance, we offer many other financial solutions, including:

  • Traditional Payments: Our office accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards for your convenience.
  • Financing: Based on your credit approval, you can pay any out-of-pocket costs using a monthly payment plan through a third-party financing company, like CareCredit.
  • Special Offers: Our office offers various promotions for select services, including discounts for exams and X-rays. We will review any ongoing deals during your consultation.

Dental Crowns FAQs

a patient visiting her dentist to receive a dental crown in Lake Nona, FL

If you’re dealing with a damaged, decayed, or otherwise compromised tooth, you’re probably weighing your options for addressing the issue. Dental crowns in Lake Nona are often one of the best possible solutions for these scenarios! Our team has gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about dental crowns and their respective answers so that you can feel comfortable about committing to treatment and assisting your smile. If you have any other questions about dental crowns or would like to arrange a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

On average, you can expect your dental crown to last somewhere between 5 and 15 years, but this is heavily dependent on a few different factors. One factor is the material that the crown is made from:  metal crowns typically last longer than metal-free ones, but this difference is usually negligible. The other main factors that influence the lifespan of dental crowns include diet, oral hygiene, and whether you have any bad oral habits like smoking, nail-biting, or teeth-grinding. It’s also worth mentioning that crowns on front teeth tend to last longer than crowns on molars, since they don’t withstand quite as much wear and tear from chewing. To ensure that your crown lasts for as long as possible, it’s also advisable to visit us for regular preventive care!

How Do You Know When a Dental Crown Needs to Be Replaced?

Crowns aren’t designed to last forever, and the only way to know for sure whether a crown needs to be replaced is to come in and have us take a look! That said, there are still certain warning signs that often indicate a crown is nearing the end of its lifespan, such as:

  • Pain – If there’s decay underneath your crown, it needs to be removed so that the cavity can be treated. From there, we can evaluate whether the crown can be reseated onto the tooth or replaced altogether.
  • Instability – If your crown feels loose, especially whenever you’re biting into something or chewing something sticky, you should contact us to have it examined.
  • Noticeably worse appearance – If your crown is chipped, cracked, or even discolored, it can affect your self-esteem in addition to your tooth’s functionality.
  • Dark line along the base – This often indicates the crown has been through a great deal of wear and tear and might need replacement in the near future.

Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities?

Simply put, a dental crown itself cannot develop cavities, but the underlying tooth is still at risk. In fact, a crowned tooth has about the same risk of decay as an uncrowned tooth! Cavities are a real possibility if you’re unable to maintain a clean mouth, since bacteria and plaque can easily accumulate around the gumline where the tooth meets the crown. Fortunately, you can greatly lower your risk of cavities by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and utilizing an antibacterial mouthwash. Also be sure to schedule regular dental checkups.

Does It Hurt to Get a Dental Crown?

The first thing we’ll do when you sit down to receive your crown is numb your mouth, meaning you won’t feel an ounce of pain at all during the procedure. That said, it’s not uncommon to experience some sensitivity for a few days once the crown’s been placed, especially if you’ve undergone root canal therapy. However, this discomfort is usually mild and can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Remember, crowns protect vulnerable teeth from further damage, meaning that they actually help to prevent a great deal of potential discomfort later on!