Dental Data: 4 Things to Know About Insurance Policies

March 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 8:17 pm
Hands on a mouse and keyboard by a computer showing 'dental benefits'

Having a checkup with your dentist every 6 months can prevent issues like gum disease and tooth decay, but if you don’t have dental insurance, you might avoid making appointments. Many people feel this way because they’re worried about the cost of preventative care and don’t realize that they could end up with more complex and costly corrections down the road. For example, instead of getting a filling at the first sign of a cavity, it might go unaddressed, progress, and require an emergency root canal.

If you’re shopping for a policy but are overwhelmed by the many options, keep reading to learn about 4 things to know that can help you decide!
