What Are Dental Insurance Waiting Periods?

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 9:54 pm

Dental insurance form on deskIf you’ve recently purchased a new dental insurance policy, you may have a waiting period before you’re able to access all your benefits. Did you know you can still use your insurance during this time? Although some services may not be covered, you can visit your dentist for minimal out-of-pocket expenses during your waiting period. Here’s why some dental insurance will put a hold on some benefits and what coverage you can use during this time.


3 Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance

May 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 2:26 am

Dental insurance form on blue backgroundDid you know that more Americans than ever before have dental insurance? However, billions of dollars are lost every year from unused dental insurance benefits. Let’s face it, dental insurance can be confusing, but you don’t have to throw money away. Your monthly premiums give you access to reduced rates for the services you need to keep your mouth healthy. Here are 3 ways to maximize your dental insurance benefits.


Medical Insurance vs. Dental Insurance – What’s the Difference?

April 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 6:26 pm
Health and dental insurance cards

Medical insurance and dental insurance are both important tools to use to keep your body healthy. However, it can be confusing when trying to utilize your dental benefits because it works quite a bit differently from the medical plans that you are used to. Continue reading to learn more about these two different types of insurance and the reasons why providers separate the two.


Dental Data: 4 Things to Know About Insurance Policies

March 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 8:17 pm
Hands on a mouse and keyboard by a computer showing 'dental benefits'

Having a checkup with your dentist every 6 months can prevent issues like gum disease and tooth decay, but if you don’t have dental insurance, you might avoid making appointments. Many people feel this way because they’re worried about the cost of preventative care and don’t realize that they could end up with more complex and costly corrections down the road. For example, instead of getting a filling at the first sign of a cavity, it might go unaddressed, progress, and require an emergency root canal.

If you’re shopping for a policy but are overwhelmed by the many options, keep reading to learn about 4 things to know that can help you decide!


Avoid These Tooth Troublers on Valentine’s Day

February 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 3:41 am
Picture of Valentines’ candy

Valentine’s Day, a day of love and affection, often comes adorned with sweet treats. However, not all candies are created equal, especially when it comes to dental health. While indulging in sugary delights can be tempting, it’s crucial to be mindful of their impact on your teeth. Let’s explore some of the worst Valentine’s Day candies for your dental health and discover healthier alternatives to give your loved ones.


Clearing the Air: Why Your Dentures May Be Full of Funk

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 2:35 pm
Older woman using mouthwash to try to freshen her dentures

Have you noticed a funky smell coming from your dentures lately? Many patients with dentures run into this issue from time to time, which can be both embarrassing and concerning. If you’re ready to leave these odors behind and learn a bit about denture care, continue reading. You’ll learn some common reasons behind denture odors and how to solve the issue.


Stitch It Up: All About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 8:08 pm
A graphic showing wisdom tooth extraction stitches

Wisdom tooth extraction can be a complex procedure for the uninitiated. Once the teeth are extracted, your dentist may leave behind some stitches and the aftercare begins. Are you supposed to leave your stitches in, or take them out? How are you supposed to brush your teeth? How are you supposed to take care of your gums in the meantime?

Continue reading to see the answers to all these questions and more. You’ll learn all about wisdom tooth extraction for a clearer understanding of your post-extraction recovery.


Make Your Dental Implants Last with These Lifestyle Changes

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 11:34 pm
Woman recovers after workout

Dental implants are a fantastic way to replace missing teeth because they look and work just like the real thing. While implants boast a whopping 95% success rate, they can be rejected by the body under certain circumstances. Your daily habits can make the difference between successfully restoring your smile and losing an implant. Here are three lifestyle changes that can make a big difference in the health of your dental implants.


Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Scare You This Halloween

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 10:07 pm

Frightened man in front of a blue backgroundIf you’ve recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the thought of wearing a CPAP while sleeping can be frightening. Halloween is scary enough without worrying about a CPAP, but there’s nothing to fear. Sleep apnea is easy to treat with either a CPAP or an oral appliance. However, if you ignore your sleep specialist’s recommendations, there are plenty of reasons to worry. Sleep apnea can have potentially life-threatening complications. Here’s why you don’t want to delay sleep apnea treatment.


Just For Women? Not Anymore! Why Men Are Turning to BOTOX

October 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 10:02 pm
man receiving BOTOX

When you hear the word “BOTOX,” there is a good chance that the first thing you think of is a woman with a smoother, more youthful appearance. However, this vision and reality are changing now that more men are turning to it for help with their facial aesthetics. But why? What is it about BOTOX and dermal fillers that is capturing their attention? Keep reading to discover why the “normal” demographic for these treatments is shifting.

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