Benefits of Sedation Dentistry Outside of Dental Anxiety

March 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 6:29 pm

Sedated woman having dental workSedation dentistry is an excellent option for patients with dental-related anxiety because they can conquer their fear to get the care they need for healthy teeth and gums. However, you don’t have to be afraid of the dentist to benefit from sedation dentistry. Here are a few reasons to consider adding dental sedation to your treatment plan.

Who Can Sedation Dentistry Help?

Sedation dentistry is often recommended for people who have dental anxiety, but it can help patients with many unique situations. It can be a great option for patients with:

  • Complex or lengthy treatment plans.
  • Difficulty keeping their jaw open.
  • Difficulty getting numb.
  • Difficulty staying in one position.

Sedation dentistry is safe for most patients, but your dentist will learn more about your medical history and any medications you’re taking to look for anything concerning. Depending on your needs, they’ll create a personalized plan to keep you comfortable while in the dentist’s chair.

Types of Dental Sedation 

Contrary to common belief, dental sedation doesn’t “put you to sleep,” unless IV or general anesthesia is used. Instead, you’ll reach deep relaxation, so don’t be surprised if you doze off, but you can be awakened easily at the slightest touch or verbal instructions from your dentist.

There are many types of sedation, each with different effects. Your dentist will determine which is best for your needs and situation, like:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Better known as “laughing gas,” the inhaled sedative takes effect quickly. A mask is placed over your nose to deliver the sedative. As you inhale, your arms and legs may feel heavy or tingly as you become very relaxed. You may even get a little case of the giggles, but you don’t have to worry about any lingering side effects. Within a minute or two of the mask’s removal, you’ll feel completely normal. You can even drive yourself home from your appointment.
  • Oral Conscious: An oral conscious sedative is a bit stronger. It’s a prescribed medication taken before your appointment. You will become very relaxed to the point you may fall asleep, but it won’t render you unconscious. It can take a few hours for the effects to dissipate, so you’ll need someone to drive you home from your appointment. It’s not uncommon to have fragmented memories of your experience.

Dental sedation can be used along with a local numbing agent. You won’t have to worry about any pain while staying completely relaxed during your appointment.

Your dentist will keep your comfort their top priority while providing the high-quality care you need to achieve your best smile. 

About Dr. Michael D. Oslund

Dr. Oslund earned his dental degree from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and continued his education for 2 years in orthodontics and Invisalign. He has regularly continued his education in specialty services, like dental implant placement and sedation. Request an appointment through our website or call (407) 809-8815 to see if sedation dentistry is right for you.