3 Reasons Why You Won’t Regret Getting a Root Canal

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 9:07 pm
person at the dentist for root canal therapy

Are you contemplating root canal treatment? If so, you might be surprised to learn that the procedure is not nearly as daunting as it is often perceived. In fact, there are three compelling reasons why you won’t regret opting for a root canal. By delving into these reasons, you can gain a better understanding of the procedure and alleviate any apprehensions you may have. So, keep reading as we explore why a root canal is something you won’t regret.

#1: Root Canals Are Virtually Painless

The fear of experiencing significant pain often deters individuals from considering root canal therapy. However, the good news is that this misconception is far from reality. Prior to undergoing a root canal, your dentist or oral surgeon will administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area completely. This ensures that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Moreover, many dental professionals provide dental sedation options for patients who have heightened anxiety or difficulty remaining comfortable throughout the process. These sedation techniques help patients relax, enabling them to receive the necessary treatment without stress or unease.

#2: Root Canals Give Your Tooth a Second Chance

Inadequate oral hygiene practices are a primary contributor to the development of cavities. Additionally, consuming excessive amounts of sugary, starchy, or acidic foods and beverages can significantly increase the risk of dental decay.

Acidic substances erode the protective enamel layer, while the sugars in sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods serve as nourishment for the bacteria responsible for cavity formation. If a cavity is left untreated and progresses, it can potentially lead to a tooth infection.

A severely infected tooth can only be saved through a root canal procedure. It entails removing the infected pulp, thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the tooth, and then filling and restoring it with a filling or crown.

This method not only treats the infection effectively, but it is also more cost-effective and time-efficient compared to extracting and replacing the tooth. Furthermore, the root canal eliminates any tooth pain as the nerves are removed during the cleaning of the infected pulp.

#3: The Alternative to Root Canal Therapy is Worse

Neglecting to undergo a root canal allows the infection to progress unchecked, leading to further complications. If left untreated, the infection can spread, resulting in the death of the affected tooth. At this point, your dentist will be unable to save the tooth, necessitating its extraction.

Moreover, the infection may extend to other areas of the body. If it enters the bloodstream, a potentially life-threatening condition known as sepsis can potentially arise.

If your dentist recommends root canal therapy, prioritize scheduling the procedure promptly. Acting quickly will protect your tooth from further damage, preventing additional complications and restoring the health of your teeth.

About the Practice

At Lake Nona Dental Group, a team of six experienced dentists leads the way, ensuring patients in Florida receive top-notch dental care that can bring back their smiles. With a range of treatments available, including root canal therapy for addressing tooth infections and safeguarding your smile, they are committed to providing effective and reliable dental care. If you have any inquiries about root canals or wish to book an appointment, you can visit Lake Nona Dental Group’s website or reach out to their Orlando office at (407) 277-1779 or their St. Cloud office at (407) 887-1778.