CEREC Same-Day Crowns – Lake Nona Region

Your Smile Fully Restored in One Visit

At Lake Nona Dental Group, our team of highly esteemed dentists recognizes how inconvenient it can be to wait weeks for a fully restored smile. When faced with a damaged tooth that needs repair, you want a solution that can get you back to living life without daily smile frustrations. With CEREC same-day crowns, you don’t have to wear a temporary crown or wait weeks for a permanent solution. Instead, your smile can be fully restored in a single visit. Call us to learn how we can get you in and out the same day with a functional and beautiful set of teeth.

What Are CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns?

a dental crown crafted in a milling unit

While more traditional dental crowns are crafted by lab technicians in a separate location, CEREC same-day crowns can be fabricated in-house using specialized dental technology. With advanced equipment that can support CAD/CAM technology, we can scan your teeth with our digital impression system, allowing a three-dimensional model of your tooth to form on a nearby screen. In just a few short hours, that 3D image can be transformed into a fully reliable and functional crown that will sit on top of your natural tooth, giving it optimal protection over time.

The Process of Getting CEREC Same-Day Crowns

dentist creating digital impression of patients smile

The process of receiving a CEREC same-day crown begins the same way as if you were to receive a traditional restoration.

Our team will start by clearing away any decayed or damaged portions of the tooth’s structure before altering it so that a new crown can fit snugly in place. The next step involves capturing digital impressions of your tooth and making adjustments using CAD/CAM technology.

Once we believe the proposed crown will fit adequately over your tooth structure and provide the protection it needs, we will send the image to our in-house milling unit. Here, we will place a solid piece of porcelain into the machine so that it can be crafted into a beautiful, natural-looking dental crown.

While you wait, your restoration will be fabricated, and when it is finished, we will examine it for any problem areas before giving it a final polish and securing it in place.

Benefits of CEREC Vs. Traditional Crowns

two woman smiling with CEREC same-day crowns

Having any kind of dental crown is highly beneficial, especially if you want to have a fully functional smile. However, the advantages of CEREC often stand out much more as opposed to traditional crowns. Some of the most distinct benefits of same-day restorations include:

  • Greater Convenience – With CEREC, you receive your new crown the same day. Traditional restorations require waiting several weeks.
  • No Temporary – One aspect of dental crowns many patients dislike is the idea of wearing a temporary. These often do not hold well in place for prolonged periods. With CEREC, though, you don’t need a temporary one since you will receive your crown the same day.
  • Personalized, Natural Appearance – CEREC crowns are crafted from beautiful porcelain, which means that your crown will blend in with your existing smile.
  • Fewer Appointments – Instead of needing multiple appointments to receive your dental crown, you’ll only require one, which can also help cut down on the cost of treatment.

Understanding the Cost of CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns

Man after receiving CEREC dental crown in Lake Nona Region

When it comes to paying for CEREC same-day dental crowns, there are many different factors that our team at Lake Nona Dental Group must consider. While it might be ideal to learn what you can expect when it comes to price before you even meet with a dentist, this information cannot be provided until we have a chance to examine your smile. The reason is each person’s treatment is unique, so what you need may not be what someone else needs. However, we do want you to feel more confident and prepared about the cost when choosing CEREC, which is why you’re encouraged to review the following details and call us with any questions.

Factors That Affect the Cost of CEREC Dental Crowns

Dentist taking digital impressions of a patient’s smile

A customized treatment plan awaits you once you schedule an appointment to see us about restorative dental care. After evaluating the situation and determining how best to proceed in treating your damaged or decayed tooth, we will consider the following factors before drafting a cost estimate for CEREC treatment:

  • The materials used. Lake Nona Dental Group is pleased to use high-quality porcelain materials to craft beautiful dental crowns.
  • The severity of the damage. We will need to determine if the damage is significant enough that it affects one or more teeth, as multiple CEREC crowns will cost more than a single one.
  • Whether you need preliminary treatments. In some situations, additional treatments may be required based on your overall oral health (i.e., root canal treatment or dental implant placement).

Does Dental Insurance Cover CEREC Dental Crowns? 

Person holding mouth mold and money

There is a good chance that your CEREC dental crown will be covered by your insurance company; however, there is no guarantee. This is why we strongly recommend that you review your existing plan or have a member of our team do it for you. We know dental insurance can be an overwhelming and confusing aspect of dentistry, so we have expert staff members who can help.

In many cases, insurers will agree to cover anywhere from 50-80% of the total cost. This is dependent on whether you’ve met your deductible and how they categorize dental crowns (major or minor restorative treatment).

Options for Making CEREC Dental Crowns Affordable

Man smiling with new CEREC crowns

If you do not have a private dental insurance plan, you do not need to worry, as there are alternative ways to pay for treatment without depleting your savings. At Lake Nona Dental Group, we are pleased to offer multiple solutions:

  • Flexible Financing through CareCredit, Lending Club, or Proceed Finance. These third-party companies make it easy to enroll in a plan that allows you to make payments without going over your budget. Many of the options you can choose from are low- or no-interest.
  • In-House Membership Plan. This makes it easy for you to sign up during a visit and begin receiving discounts on restorative treatment options. By paying a one-time annual fee (or recurring monthly fee), you receive preventive services right away.